About Us

Meet Quin!

Hello everyone! I’m Quin, the crazy dog mom who started this journey of a business! I’ve always loved taking photos since I have been in elementary school. Were they any good? Absolutely not. But practice makes perfect and every session we learn something new! I’m a mom of two, Noel and our soon to come baby girl in December! This is why my husband Paul has hopped in to help! Our entire motto is to make everyone comfortable and to make everyone have a great time the whole way through! We love a good sunset and my personal sessions are anything to do with kids or dogs! I still take care of editing each photo and keeping contact with all of my clients!

Meet Paul!

Nice to meet you all! My name is Paul. I have joined in this business to help my wife take the photos while she is unable and little did I know I would find a hobby i’m passionate about! I am fluent in Spanish and strive in boudior sessions! Those who are weary because they don’t know me come to love me! The amount of clients who have left positive reviews are overwhelming! My biggest accomplishment is to get to bond with the men who “don’t like getting photos taken” because lets face it….every man hates their photo being taken. I hope we can meet and make your ideas come to life in your perfect soon to be photo!